adjective: subversive
  1. 1.
    seeking or intended to subvert an established system or institution.
    “subversive literature”
    synonyms: disruptive, troublemaking, inflammatory, insurrectionary;


I am coining this term on June 30th,2014 10:14PM: Job Security Lost in Obscurity.

I have a summer job at this excellent local restaurant, and I was given the job based on few pretenses. My boss gave me the job based in his intuitions I believe and his willingness to help out a student. I wanted to earn money this summer and also pick up a few profession skills along the way. I absolutely love school and know I still have much learning to do, yet I am eager to join the work force. I feel like working on a real team at a real job gives you valuble experience that is crucial.

I have already learned so much about food and preparation from my co-workers and my boss, I get to experience the process of creation; every night we put out unforgettable plates of Kurdish cuisine. Besides the food, I have come to understand the importance of communication in a workspace. Especially in a fast-moving environment of a restaurant, relaying the orders and instructions what make or break the flow from the kitchen to the front.

I enjoy working with everyone on the team and learning in the kitchen has been only a positive experience, but there are also challenges for me. The struggles are mostly about speed and performance under pressure. I am still harnessing those two skills, as they are not inherent in my personality.

One of my coworkers Martha, is a vision of both speed and excellence. When I see her work, I am genuinely floored. She chops tomatoes at top speeds and can dress a side of hummus in 30 seconds and make it looked properly garnished. She is one of our team members who works with such vigor and stamina. She is much older than me and is raising a 9 year-old daughter. I don’t know her life or circumstances very well at all, but I do know that she works incredibly hard with a resilience through back and foot pain that is admirable.
Though she would not seem to be the first person to be recognized as an inspiration by the majority, she is an inspiration to me. It is a shame that people working in kitchens and doing ‘manual labor’ jobs do not get the proper recognition or compensation often (that is another discussion for another time!).

I don’t know If I will ever be able to top her speed or match her in her combo of speed/accuracy in the kitchen. I do a good job in all of the same places that she performs, but because of her speed X accuracy, I think my boss sees her as indispensable and me as replacable. My boss is a kind man and has told us that he appreciates everyone on the team. Even so, he is still a business man. And I do think that it is a logical conclusion for him to make, considering he very well knows I am leaving for college in the fall.

This post was spurred by my own selfish anxieties. The anxiety materialized once he told me not to come in this week because he was ‘training a new person’. I think I might be over-dramatizing my employment situation by saying it is JOB SECURITY LOST IN OBSCURITY. Though I don’t know exactly what he intends to do in the coming weeks with the kitchen staff, my job security still feels like that:lost in obscurity. It may only be a summer job, but right now it feels like a part of evaluation on my worthiness as a worker on a team. To me, that is a big deal, and calls for some dramatics. It would not be devestating to me that I would lose a certain amount of money, rather, it would be the idea that my boss would not find me to be indispensable.

If that short, 10-word text message (from my boss at a summer job that pays 50¢ over minimum wage) is enough to make me question my worthiness as an individual, I can only imagine how it would be if I got a call (from my manager of 10+ years at a job with benefits with a wage that actually pays for your bills) to tell me I was to be layed off.

I guess the best way to combat such anxieties is to not see your job as the sole value of your life. It is false to feed into the idea the value of an individual is determined in a certain job at a certain business, because it is one out of a million groups you could contribute your personality and skills towards!


*Next post will be more’s structured and less stream of consciousness, I swear!

Thoughts about Self/ Consciousness

It has become apparent to me that we will never be satisfied with who we are. We will always be trying to change ourselves, change our lives. This can be a good thing and a bad thing. It can be good if you are changing your attitiude or deciding to change bad habits, but it can be bad if you are changing yourself into the wrong person. Making yourself out to be someone who you simple are not.

It is good to be slightly aware of these things and conscious of your very own intentions…

Nick Cannon: Proves to be the genuine & kind person he always seemed


Finally, someone speaks out about how Amanda Bynes’ current situation really is serious and that it is not just daily gossip fodder.

Thousands of people on the internet have been using Amanda’s series of outlandish antics to very publicly make fun of her and completely disregard her as an actual person with actual feelings. Other print media and gossip columns have been banking on her bad behavior to sell magazines.

Let’s be honest, some of the wigs she wears, the plastic surgery comments and Twitter rants all seem to be crazy and are easy targets of comedians, but as a culture we need to realize when we are being exploitative of a person. It is clear that she is not in on the joke.  I am not excusing any of her behavior (lighting fires on private property or calling the President of the United States ugly) but I think we need to take what she says with a grain of salt because she is definitely not in the right state of mind.

I applaud entertainer and TV host Nick Cannon for making a thoughtful attempt to reach out to her, it shows great maturity! He seems to thoroughly understand the causes of her behavior and he is living proof that celebrities can rise above all the muck and excess surrounding them.

TODAY IN WASHINGTON: Wednesday June 27th, 2013 Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG)


After watching the endless news coverage of the Trayvon Martin case and the Paula Dean debacle), I was sick of hearing the repetitive talking points and white noise on the CNN and MSNBC. I decided to look for something else to watch that would not turn my brain to mush. I turned to Today in Washington, a few channels above the major news networks.

And it was a House of Foreign Affairs Committee concerning the Broadcasting Board of Governors. Eliot Engel (D) of New York was discussing the efficacy and disorganized nature of a government program by the name of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG).  Before tuning into this program I had no previous knowledge of such program. From what I gather, the program was originally created to broadcast media to parts of the world to advance the American foreign policy. Other witnesses in the trial said the program aimed to ‘tell America’s story’ and also to be a surrogate broadcasting entity for newscasters in oppressed foreign countries.

I think that the BBG, at least in theory, sounds like a wonderful program for the U.S. Government/ OMB to be funding. But, currently there is not even a corum of board members to keep the BBG functioning.Each witness had their own individual grievances concerning the entire program. Some griped that no leadership existed within the organization or that their was a lack of cohesiveness in their overall function. One official even cited how the BBG has repeatedly failed to get funding or support for a broadcast in the sindhi language, a language that 20% of people in Afghanistan speak when the BBG broadcasts in Greek (in Greece, a country that is of minimal worry for the U.S. in terms of civil rights violations, tyrannical government dictatorship etc.) Some argued that the solution  was to completely dismantle the program, another suggestion was for it to be consolidated into the state department or  be unified under one program with a CEO. Some reminded the committee that the BBG should be integrated more closely into the foreign policy of the U.S.

I am going to argue that it is wise to keep the program going. Even though it is clear that serious reforms need to be made in all parts of the program, there were numerous mentions of success.  They discussed programs like ‘Radio Free Asia’ and a surrogate broadcast of  ‘Radio Liberty:Broadway 1776’  (shown in Moscow) that followed Russian immigrants on their discovery of America. The camera followed them into shopping malls, the PTA, intellectual institutions  and museums. It was a perfect way to integrate ‘America’s Story’ into a Russian perspective. During the Cold War, the broadcasting services of the U.S. helped combat communist radio shows or hate directed towards democracy, by means of soft powers. Rep. Ed Royce reminisced how at one time, the BBG operated in a non-partisan that was effective and true to high journalistic standards. Dana Rohrabacher maintained that the idea is good but that there has been ‘a breakdown in accountability’. It is absolutely necessary that whatever reforms take place in the BBG, that the program maintains the firewall that exists between journalism and politics.

“Has to be done in the context of good journalism” – Enders Wimbush

This is a particular quote summarizes my own feelings of optimism about the program’s future. It is clear that huge potential exists in U.S. broadcasting, and that if revamped, it can effectively change the world and advance democratic ideals.

“We will never thwart our enemies and win the world’s respect if we don’t stand up for our values and oppose the ideology of violent extremism… We need a strategic public diplomacy that is soft power directed to achieve specific national security aims with a full commitment of a president and congress that understand that these non-violent efforts are as important as warfare.”- James Glassman

the Insidious Condition of Racism….

Within this past week, there have been 2 related instances of vandalism at my seemingly picturesque suburban high school in Southern California.

These acts of vandalism were not simply ‘jokes’, but they were offensive in their content and malicious in their meaning. We have a large mural on one of the walls at our school and the vandal spray painted ” F***  N*GGERS’ in bright red text. This message was found over the weekend and quickly removed. Although I am glad that they removed the message promptly, I believe they should have addressed our student body about it on Monday, which they failed to do. There were small murmurs about the incident around school but none of the teachers or administrators addressed it in any of my classes.

Today it is Wednesday, and they have found further vandalism on the campus. Except these messages left on the walls (in the boy’s restroom), specifically named some of the African American students who attend our school. This last incident is the one that has left me so shocked and upset. It is a terrible thought, thinking that someone at my school or even in my class has ill will and prejudice against people of a certain race. If I was an African American student I would not only feel offended, but almost unsafe.

Living in the suburbs of Southern California, I have almost always felt safe and felt that our community is accepting. This incident has made me take a closer look at our community and put me on alert. It is hard for me to accept that someone in our town is racist. Are there certain societal attitudes that have promoted this act of vandalism? What could have provoked the individual to express his/her anger publicly? I always like to believe the best of people. But I need to realizing that there will always be bad people in the world. Just because we live in such a nice area with an almost nonexistent crime rate with rows of neatly trimmed lawns does not mean that we are safe from more intangible evils like racism.

I hope that the perpetrators are found and brought to justice as soon as possible….

From GLW in 2011 to Senior Year 2013

Although I realize I only have a total of 30 views on my blog (over the course of 2 years) , I wanted to explain why I never gave an update on my experience at the Girls’ Leadership Workshop at Val- Kil!

During the trip I had limited access to a computer and after the trip I was back into the full swing of school work and activities. Writing a virtually unread blog fell from my list of priorities! ( Do you blame me?) But that does not mean that I didn’t  learn anything on the trip and workshop. In fact I learned so much about leadership and social justice. And met some of the most inspiring people there.

I have kept in touch with many of ‘my girls’ and we have even discussed possibly having a reunion in the future. Not all of us have kept in close contact but those who have shared their current lives with our group are certainly succeeding today! On of the girls who I spent a lot of time with at the camp has spearheaded an effort in Ethiopia to de-worm women and children in need.  Another girl has written songs for the anti-bullying movement and performed to audiences.

The girls mentioned above really took their individual social justice projects very seriously and I admire them for their diligence and hard work.  Other girls though, I believe, used their experience at the camp for more practical purposes like to gain valuable leadership skills or learn more about the issues going on around our world.  Maybe some of us who attended GLW have learned but have not had the opportunity/confidence/focus or resources to properly utilize our leadership skills. That is completely fine. I hope though, that when they do get the opportunity, reach that level of confidence, attain focus or acquire the correct resources that they will be excellent leaders.

I can honestly say that I would not be surprised to see one of my girls as the President of the United States someday. That is how highly I think of them!

I have this irrational and crazy belief that potential is limitless….

Until next post,



(I am a Senior in High School.And am actually terrified about what my future will hold! I need to keep telling myself that IF I do work smart and be a diligent student, I will be successful and happy and make a difference in the world!)

Hard Work…

People work hard everyday. It takes a while to realize how very valuable hard work is to any one person. There is no doubt that hard work is admirable. In society we give the most accolades  to those who work the hardest and who are pioneers in their field. But being surrounded in an environment where the majority of students don’t take advantage of their resources and feel apathetic about education, it is difficult to realize how crucial hard work is to a person’s character and success in life.

I could go ON AND ON about the many people in my life who work hard: there are my summer school chemistry teachers, my friend in my French class who studies during EVERY lunch she has on campus, my mother, my sisters, the many teachers at my school, certain students in my classes who struggle with Algebra II concepts but come in during support…

I realize I have wasted precious time goofing off, and need to be more diligent and focused. THINKING is never enough, you must DO it. You must have an execution, or you will never get where you want to be in life. It may seem enticing to hang out with ‘Bros’ on all days of the weekend, but in the end a balanced schedule of work & then play will leave you feeling the most fulfilled.

The best advice I can give: Work Hard & Be Nice To People

The hardest part… Talking the talk AND Walking the walk!

I have much more to say on the subject… More later!


A Comment Regarding the News: The TDKR Aurora Shooting

On the days after the shooting I watched Anderson 360, where Anderson Cooper interviewed a father of one of the victims that was killed in the theater. The father could barely make out his words, he was clearly shaken up. Who wouldn’t be? He spoke of his son, the first born child with a sense of humor with an ability to draw people to him. That same son was murdered only that Thursday. It was difficult to watch, it was only one of many interviews given by a victim’s family member.

But what I really took out of this father’s interview was his plea to the media. He urged the mainstream media to stop saying the killers name, to focus on the victims and not give the killer the satisfaction of infamy.
His request was very clear to end discussion and coverage of the suspect. Anderson rightfully acknowledged this plea, but he (most-likely) knew that coverage would continue.

 But somehow the majority of the public can’t seem to stop discussing this Neuroscience-student-gone-maniac. I believe we are so intrigued in this crazy man, not because we want to praise him, but because we want to know HOW this tragedy could ever happen and WHAT drove him to this excusable act of violence?

People have many many questions, but they need to do some waiting before any answers come.

And I agree with the father that constant coverage of the killer does not benefit anyone. But some people are just so curious that they need a play- by – play. And TV Networks aim to give the viewers (the majority) what they want. TV news, can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em.

What I Really was Getting At…

There are people out there who are lacking sensitivity to this subject.Or maybe I am just hyper sensitive to this subject? I just read an article about the increase of fans for the killer.The article can be found: There are people that have posted on social networking sites with praise of his violence and admiration for his looks. I decided to investigate and click on one of the twitter pages. And I found this unidentified (assuming everything on the internet should be second guessed) person’s page who cited their like of the Killers hair- do.

I might be hyper sensitive on this issue. She is only praising his hair? Harmless, right? Maybe I was wrong accusing her of lacking empathy?

This is what I was going to tweet her, but because of limited characters on Twitter, I could not fit it in. And I did not want to seem like I was attacking the involved ‘Tweeter’. I thought my Tweet was pretty civil though.

The Original Tweet: James Holmes’s hair is quite cute. Me LIKE ^^

My Indirect Response as posted on WordPress:

@limingxoxo What were you thinking when you tweeted that the Aurora shooter’s hair was cute?Do you realize how many people he hurt? Empathy-ability to understand and share the feelings of another.Where is yours?